The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) is here to help you be the best coach that you can be. When you take an NCCP clinic, you’ll gain football technical abilities as well as leadership and decision-making skills. NCCP training will open doors to new opportunities in coaching and in life.

Requirements for ALL coaches
Creating a culture where everyone can thrive is a shared responsibility. Safe Sport Training was developed to help anyone involved in sport — whether you have direct contact with athletes or work in the background — to promote physical, psychological, and social health, in line with the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport.
The Making Head Way E-learning module is a requisite for coaching tackle football in BC and throughout Canada.
These concussion awareness resources have been developed as part of the Public Health Agency of Canada’s “Active & Safe” initiative and are designed to help you gain the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of your athletes.
Resources for ALL coaches
Pre-designed drills, plays, plans, and season-long curriculum to help you coach like a pro. Better yet, all content is automatically filtered by the age group and the type of football you're coaching. There is content for flag, tackle, and a variety of other Football Canada programs (CFL Futures, First-down and Ultimate Football).
Coaching Courses
All member coaches must be Safe Contact trained in the latest safe blocking and tackling techniques. This requirement applies to any coach of an amateur team or club that falls under Football Canada’s umbrella. Any new coach has a year from the time he or she first steps on the field as a coach to complete the safe contact training.
Coaches will be taught basic and intermediate skills required to coach offensive, defensive or special teams position skills by an expert coach. The expert coach will also provide drill progressions, and will demonstrate how to incorporate these tools into practice plans.
Formally Community Sport
This module will introduce you to the fundamentals of football with a recreational focus. The workshop is aimed at coaches working with youths, between 6-12 years of age, where fun, fitness, and participation are key. The skills you will learn are ideal for voluntary coaches who have children who participate in football, or who wish to assist participants of all ages who are new to the sport.
The Coordinator workshop teaches coaches what it takes to be a successful coordinator and how to develop offensive, defensive or special team systems all taught by an expert coach. Coaches will then learn how to apply what they have learned to their systems and how to develop successful game plans.